Well I didnt sleep much last night as you know! But, I felt better this morning and instead of Leeds Castle we decided to go to Groombridge Place coz you can go swinging in the trees there and I wanted to do that!!
Blimey it was busy!! We only got a little go on the swings - Chris and Em didnt even want to bother but me, John and Tom had a go - even if it was only a little go. It was hot today!! Phew!! Got sunburnt. Didnt think about cream!! Yikes!!
Oh, and there is proof in them there photos that Im fat and ugly and horrible at the moment and crikey I said to John look Ive walked round looking like that all day!!! Cant believe Im so fat!! OOOOOOH I cant diet - Sara help me pleeeeeeeeeeeeese!! LOL.
Neway, enough moaning - keep doing that dont I!! Im off to work tomorrow - more exercise hopefully get rid of that fat!!
Hope yall have a great Easter
Love Laine xxxxx
you're not fat ya daft bugger - give us a break!
you have a mummy tummy roll...........
and it's nice
freezing cold here ALL DAY
How dare you insult my friend! You are NOT fat! You look lovely! Looks like you had a great day... Linda
No, you're not fat Laine! I'm on a diet right now, it's hard work but you do get used to eating less. I just take a Slimfast cereal bar to work each day and sometimes a small snack bar. I'm quite addicted to the cereal bars now! Lol! Jeannette xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/
oh god elainey get a hold of yourself hun!! you are beautiful do i have to spell it out B E A U T I F U L!!
Errmm, you don't look fat to me. The day looked great and you all had such lovely smiles when you were doing the swinging thing! Hugs, Terry x
good gawd girl you are not fat.. your beautiful! Stop it :)~
Glad you had fun
You are not fat! Lovely happy photos. Enjoy your day today Louise xx
Worst critics, even :o)
Sara x
Laine, you are not fat m'dear.
You look lovely :o)
Silly sausage.
Trust me, and everyone else that has commented.
We are all our own worse critics aren't we!
Sara x
You are definitely not fat!!! You are obviously not happy though, but not fat by any standard!!! I wish I was as slim as you cos then I would be able to do justice to a lovely walk like you had....lovely photos!
Lainey you are far from being fat ~ you look great and you all look so happy playing together ~ loved the photographs ~ Ally x
Oh dear lord you are not fat ~ You wanna see fat? Get over to my journal and find a picture of me, that'll make you feel better about yourself ;-)
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