Sunday, 8 April 2007

Proof of how fat I am at the mo!!


Anonymous said...

you're not fat ya daft bugger - give us a break!
you have a mummy tummy roll...........
and it's nice
freezing cold here ALL DAY

Anonymous said...

How dare you insult my friend!  You are NOT fat!  You look lovely!  Looks like you had a great day...  Linda

Anonymous said...

No, you're not fat Laine! I'm on a diet right now, it's hard work but you do get used to eating less. I just take a Slimfast cereal bar to work each day and sometimes a small snack bar. I'm quite addicted to the cereal bars now! Lol! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

oh god elainey get a hold of yourself hun!! you are beautiful do i have to spell it out B E A U T I F U L!!

Anonymous said...

Errmm, you don't look fat to me.  The day looked great and you all had such lovely smiles when you were doing the swinging thing!  Hugs, Terry x

Anonymous said...

good gawd girl you are not fat.. your beautiful!  Stop it :)~
Glad you had fun

Anonymous said...

You are not fat! Lovely happy photos. Enjoy your day today Louise xx

Anonymous said...

Worst critics, even :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Laine, you are not fat m'dear.
You look lovely :o)
Silly sausage.
Trust me, and everyone else that has commented.
We are all our own worse critics aren't we!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

You are definitely not fat!!! You are obviously not happy though, but not fat by any standard!!! I wish I was as slim as you cos then I would be able to do justice to a lovely walk like you had....lovely photos!

Anonymous said...

Lainey you are far from being fat ~ you look great and you all look so happy playing together ~ loved the photographs ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Oh dear lord you are not fat ~ You wanna see fat?  Get over to my journal and find a picture of me, that'll make you feel better about yourself ;-)
