Sunday, 15 April 2007

Cant sleep again!

Im fed up! My back is really playing up - I get this pain in my foot - its like a pulling like someone has an elastic band and its pulling inside my foot with pain on it.  Its like someone has a hot poker and they are drawing something inside my foot up and down. It wont go - its constant - Im so so fed up with it. Cant sleep - got to go to college tomorrow and its driving me mad I will be so so tired! Taken some tablets - I hope it goes away soon - dont know how to relieve it - doctors say they can do nothing. hmmmph.   hmmmph.


Anonymous said...

I can't sleep again either, what are we like?!
That sounds horrible though m'dear, with your foot, and your back, no wonder you're all fed up :o(  I hope the tablets work, and that you manage to get some sleep before college tomorrow.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Oh that is the worst, when you know you have to be up and fresh and then you can't get off to sleep with a pain.  Hope you managed to get a few hours shut eye.  Hugs, Terry x

Anonymous said...

That foot pain sounds like plantar fasciitis.  I have it and it hurts like hell and lasts for a long time!  I hope its not for your sake!  My back was killing me this morning and I had to get up early.  Linda

Anonymous said...

Lainey I hope the pain killers you took helped ease the pain ~ how awful the Doctor's say they can't do anything for you ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

sounds horrid

Anonymous said...

Do hope the pain killers worked and you were able to get to sleep,and today went well at college Jan xx

Anonymous said...

It seems to be some type of arthritis as I have severe arthritis.     The doctor's won't do anything until it becomes constant for a long period of time.    Otherwise they believe everyone has back pain now and then.     If you are finally determined to have a serious problem you will need to have test's to determine what is causing the pain.    Not being able to sleep is bad enough as it is effecting your life causing you problems with your student activities.     I hope it is temporary and that the pain killer's don't eat up your stomach like they did mine.    I have to take prescription medication that does not cause stomach upset along with stomach medicine.     If you can buy a heating pad that allows a moist towel over it I have found it to bring the greatest relief by using it on my back.    I hope the pain improves soon as it is disrupting your life.    mark

Anonymous said...

Have you seen a proper foot doctor and got it x rayed, poor little piggy!.  Go to the docs again and ask to be referred to a foot doctor person.  A bad foot can make you walk funny and that could put your back out as you are not lined up properly.

Anonymous said...

Awww hun :(  Hope you managed to get some sleep and college went ok xx
