Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Interview over

Hi All,

Well Ive been - Ive done it - Im not sure how it went - how can you tell?

All I know is that there were over 100 applicants and I made the final 20 for interview - so thats good anyway!!

There were six of us there for interview all waiting in reception.  The girls waiting round me were looking so nervous - I wondered if I looked the same.  Then the cleaner came past 'Hi Elaine, how are you, have you finished your degree?' - I chatted to her.  Then a teacher I knew came past, ' Hi Elaine - good luck!' - Then another teacher came past 'OOOH Elaine I need to tell you about Thursday!' - Well the girls all looked at me as if to say - well she is well in here then. But that is not the case - yes I am well in with the school - I do alot for them but I still had to be interviewed like everyone else and it was still nerve racking and hard and Im not sure if I did it or not!!

First of all we all went in together for a group interview - the Head told us all about the positions available - 5 apparently!! So 20 of us going for 5 jobs - Im in for a chance maybe!!  The group interview was ok - everyone all so polite and that.  We had to draw some pictures in three minutes that spoke about ourselves then we had to read them out.  I quite enjoyed that bit.

Then we all went back into the staff room - then we were called one by one - I went last!! I spent most of the time reassuring the girls that were sat waiting that they would be ok and gave them interview tips!! Thats just me isnt it!! Blimey I might have even put them with an advantage!! Oh well I cant help helping people even when they are my competition.

My turn finally came and I found it quite daunting - questions thrown at me like bullets - these people that normally are so familiar and nice to me suddenly became like huge giants that had lots of power - the power to my future!! EEEEK  Im not sure if I answered the questions right or not, Im not sure if I babbled or not? I cant even remember what I said most of the time - I just hope I was ok - the thing is they know me but I had to pretend they didnt know me and really sell myself - I hope I did! We wont know for about 4-5 days - so another waiting game!

All I can do now is wait!

Laine xxxx


Anonymous said...

fingers crossed for  you then

Anonymous said...

Laine fingers crossed ~ I know you did well ~ and did your best ~ because that is you ~ even to giving those others tips to help their interview ~ you deserve one of those positions ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Hi Laine, I'm sure you did well but you're not actually supposed to give competitors tips for the interview! Lol! I do hope you get the job, good luck! Jeannette xx  http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/  

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you did great!!!  Keeping fingers crossed for you.  Good Luck and let us know.

Anonymous said...

See all of us think you have got it !! so we should have been on the panel lol anyway ,the very best of luck ...love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Everything crossed for you!!! I am still waiting to hear if I get an interview for the job I am doing at the moment.......nothing is set in stone so there is no guarantee especially as one of the bosses would rather keep me on bank ,I think, as she knows she can trust me to cover anywhere!! If that is the case, that will be unfair!

Anonymous said...

Well, you have done the interview now, you can't do any more so get on with things until you hear, how about clearing out a dark cupboard!

Anonymous said...

Hiya, don't know what I did wrong earlier, but have now found your journal entry.  Good luck, hope you get the job.  Eileenx