Monday, 4 June 2007


Feeling sad - no more school for me! :(

4 years ago I used to go to an organisation called Horizons - they provide free education for local people - and are funded by the government.  They are the one's that got me into going to college and helped me get where I am now.  Well I phoned them today and they welcomed me back with open arms.  I was feeling empty today and didn't have anything to hold on to - hard to explain.  I know I havent got my results yet - but I'm really nervous about those and I want to belong somewhere again. I know, I know its early days yet. Anyway, I'm going for an interview at Horizons next week - I'm going to be a student there again.  I'm going to do a Learner Support Course - learn how to support teachers and its credited and Im going to do ways into English so I can find out what level my English is so I might do GCSE next year! Feel better now and excited yay!!

Thanks for all your lovely comments - internal examination today eeeeeeeek - external on Wednesday - double eeeeeeeeeek.

Can someone tell me how to put the alerts back on - do I have to do them one by one!!! Cant see a way of turning them all on at once!!

Im going to come back visit you all - can't believe I've just fnished 4 years of college!!! Well Im going to start again with something else!! hee hee

Love Laine xxxx

p.s. when I get my degree does that mean I can actually call myself an artist? OOOOOOOh how posh!



Anonymous said...

Hi Laine, Sounds like you're going to have fun learning again with Horizons! I don't know about the alerts, I always put them on one by one, can't see any other way! Best of luck with the exams this week! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

That will allow you see all your alerts I hope

Anonymous said...

I never turn my alerts off lol ,The best of luck with your results when will you know ? and good for you signing up with horizons Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Wow, no rest for you, right into another school, LOL.  It sounds like a great course and I wish you all the best luck with it.  As for the alerts, go to one of your blogs on alerts and click the button that says get alerts for this journal.  The next screen has a button to click for okay and one for managing alerts.  Click on the one that says manage alerts and go down the list and click in the show alerts column for all the journals you want.  Your entire list will show at once.  Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness lainey coming back ~ that will be nice ;-)  Glad you contacted the Horizon people and they made you feel better ~ perhaps you'll be able to teach us about English LOL


Anonymous said...

hi elaney

i am glad you are in my class as you said we have a good laugh and thats what it is all about makes learning a lot easy see you next week