Hi all,
I'm slowly getting better. Wierd that feeling of depression - you don't know why you feel so down. No-one else understands you and you dont even understand yourself. Im really sorry I havent visited any of your journals - I just keep looking at all the alerts piling up in my inbox and I cant deal with them! I dont even feel like writing my journal either.
Ive been out and about loads though - Ive been making the most of the weather when its nice - I feel its better than being on the computer all the time. I think thats part of it - I need to break away from the computer more and enjoy the out doors while the weather is good. Ive been walking loads with my dog and even went fishing on Saturday which is something I thought I would never do! I caught three fish!! yay!! Put them back though - poor little fishies dont want to hurt them!
John and I have decided after a lovely walk through a caravan park the other day that we are going to buy a caravan next year when Im earning. So that cheered me up - something to look forward to. Things like money and stuff have got me down just recently. John and I really love the outdoor life and I can just imagine us in the lakes with our little caravan - sounds like heaven to me.
Ive been reading alot and I finished my book, Watchers, Dean Koontz. Fantastic book - thoroughly enjoyed it and I would love to read one of his books again. My next book is Fluke by James Herbert.
Ive got my application form to fill out for the school - a Teaching Assistant position has come up - cant remember if I told you all. Anyway, this is my next step to the path of my teaching - I have to work in a school for about a year first before I can do the graduate training programme. Going to fill that out tomorrow and Im meeting one of the teacher's after school so she can look at it for me to check it and make sure its what they want.
I hope you are all ok and enjoying the weather when we get it. I will try and visit you all again soon. Im glad I made an entry today - I wasnt going to but now Im glad I did it made me feel a little better - I am much happier - just still feel wierd.
Love Laine xxxxx
Lainey thats great you are feeling better. I know how it feels to come out of the dark and back into the light u will feel weird for a while lol.
Dear Laine, its coming to the end of the degree course that is getting you down. You'll have to take up a super dooper hobby when you do finish to keep your brain up to speed. Good things are coming to you after all that hard work, so try to keep your sunny side up. The caravan sounds lovely ... ahh I can see it now. Hugs, Terry x
so glad to have you writing - we ahved just bought a caravan it is 22 years old and a smasher............
Glad you are feeling a bit better, I know what you mean about the depression bit....you just can't understand why!! Pop by if you have a spare moment, love Joan
I know how you feel, sometimes all the alerts get me down! It seems never ending some days. Glad you got out for a few walks and fishing! I bet you can't wait till next year to get a caravan! Jeannette xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/
So pleased you are feeling better ,can perfectly understand it though ,Ihave done a college course myself ,the caravan is a great idea ,good luck with the application form ,....Jan xx
Glad you're feeling happier m'dear.
If alerts are stressing you - I get like that sometimes too - turn them off again for a while hon. No one will mind.
Three fish? Yay you!! Aww, and ((( for throwing them back )))
Sara x
A caravan sounds like a great idea. Glad you are feeling a bit better we are all missing you!
Louise http://journals.aol.co.uk/louiseb411/life-as-it-is/
Have missed you.........but glad you are feeling a bit better. The caravan sounds like a wonderful idea. Eileenx
Laine I am glad you are slowly getting better ~ Glad you are getting out and enjoying the sunshine (when we get some:o) I loved going fishing but always returned the fish to the water ~ good idea getting a caravan and it will give you something to look forward to ~ good luck with your application form for Teaching Assistant ~ can imagine you would fit into that job perfectly ~ Ally
Glad you are feeling a bit better. You are having a severe anti-climax reaction to the end of your degree. Buy some frilly knickers or a cake to help you on your road to recovery.
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