I worked really hard today - got the film put onto DVD - now I've got to work out a way of looping it so it plays over and over - not sure how to do that on the new computer! I might actually make a huge file with it copied several times and play it from the hard drive.
I had two cross-stitches back - there is a tiny mistake on one and a huge mistake on the other but easily rectified by me later! Im so glad I thought to give people plenty of time as I didnt think about correcting mistakes!
I feel guilty that I havent been in anyone's journals but its nice to see that a few of you still read my journal even though I dont get to yours at the moment - funny though the majority havent been to my journal at all since I turned my alerts off - not that Im bothered as long as I still got the ones I really care about and you know who you are! I promise I will be along to visit you soon - thanks for still looking in on me - I need you all to tell you how Im doing along the way - its like a kind of therapy and it helps me think of the next step!
Love Laine xx
Well done the end must soon be in sight! Louise xx
keep going..............one of the media players ought to have a repeat function
if you are using Windows media player it is ctrl+t to repeat - see it from the tools function
Laine glad you allowed time to rectify any mistakes ~ and glad they are easily put right ~ bet someone will come up with the answer to looping so the DVD plays continuously ~ wish I could help but I am pretty useless with all this tech stuff ~ we know how busy you are and how much your work means to you ~ so keep your head down :o) ~ Ally x
You were on my buddy list, I saw you there, you're a kangaroo!
Glad the film is done now, and safely stuck on a DVD. Another thing crossed off your list. You are doing so well hon :o)
My cross stitch is taking longer than I expected, but I'm nearly done at last now. I reckon I'll have it finished by the end of the week.
You know you're one of my favourite journal peoples, as long as you keep on writing, I will keep on reading :o)
Sara xxx
Lainey, don't get too confused with the pc......!! They can be very confusing when they are new!!!! Hope you sort it without too much stress!! Don't worry about checking mine out (journal that is) cos I aint done an entry in weeks, lol! Will do soon though. ttfn, love Joan
Hey, I hope your including me in that list of people you care about ;-) I wouldn't wanna feel lonely :( That's a good idea about looping the DVD over and over ~ hope it works. Shame about the mistakes on the cross stitches!!
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