Friday, 4 May 2007

Feel funny again

Hmmmm feel funny again - why is that?

Thought I was only working Monday but my boss texted me and asked me to work tomorrow too.

Oh well need the money - we terribly skint at the mo - went over my overdraft limit last week - it charges you loads when that happens. Oh how I cant wait to be earning and John doesnt have to keep supporting me and we can have some money instead of debt, debt, debt.  Shouldn't keep buying stupid computers then we would be ok!!! Cant believe all of my student loan went just like that - but that was to buy the laptop for the show and also I had to pay £150 for the show - well we all did - so thats £3450 they have got from all of us - and we went to see the gallery this morning and we are not impressed with what we have spent our money on - the gallery only cost £600 and the other one about £400 so whats the rest of the money being spent on!! I hope we get some back!!

Oh dear sorry Im having a moan.

I can't wait til my degree is over and I can get back to all your journals - Im missing you all.

Love Laine xxx



Anonymous said...

Sorry you are having it rough at the moment.  I don't hold with all these exhorbitant fees.  Good luck, I know you will do it.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

it will be over sooner than you think.

Anonymous said...

lol your box texts you?

Anonymous said...

I feel funny too today, I caught your funny!
Hopes you're feeling happier today, I'm about to go sit in the sunshine to cheer myself up.  Want to pop over and join me?  I promise I won't chew any gum :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Jeez that's a lot of money ~ but sorry you weren't so joyful about the space at the gallery.  

Jenny xx