Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts - I do feel better this evening - been a wierd sad day.
I spoke to my Mum and she said she and my Dad saw my aunty yesterday and my Mum said that she died very peacefully in her sleep. That's nice to know - least she wasnt in any pain or discomfort.
Got two laptops on the go tonight - really technical in my house!! Having to use new laptop to re-edit film so Im downloading all the updated software for vista - going to get quicktime pro too! So Im doing this entry whilst waiting for it to download! This laptop is going to go in for repair when Ive finished college - poor thing not well LOL.
I still feel like Ive got mountains of stuff to do before next Friday which is D-day!! Well I have actually LOL. We are in studio painting tomorrow. Getting film done tonight - hopefully and then Ive got all weekend to get alot of stuff done.
My Joe has got good citizens tomorrow - bless him. It means he has been a good citizen in the school. They give out these awards at the end of every term. So proud of him I am! Bless him. So I will go along to the assembly tomorrow and see him get that.
Missing John tonight - need his cuddles.
Laine xxxxx
Lainey Laine... glad you feel a little better tonight.
Want to share my chinese?
Not the same as John's, but ((((( hugs ))))) anyways m'dear.
Sara xxx
Glad you're feeling a bit better, at least you have lots to occupy your mind with! Jeannette xx
Sorry John is not there for you tonight. I am sure you would be much better off with those cuddles. You take care and good luck with the film.
Awww it's a shame John wasn't there when you needed him :( I hope he's back now and giving you lots of cuddles to make up for it.
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