Friday, 11 May 2007

SATS Tests need your help!!!!

Oh I need your help journal peeps - what do I do?

Just goes to show how muddled my mind is - I thought Sam and Joe's London Hospital appointments were on 22nd May and they are not - they are next week on 16th May!

Well, Joe has his SATS tests next week - just phoned the hospital and the earliest next appointment they can do is middle of August. 

Now, don't know what to do.

Shall I just take Sam next week (as I need to know whats going on with him and Joe's is just a routine appointment) - then it means taking Joe in August (two train fares!)

Or do I put off both appointments til August!

Or, do I take them both next week and Joe misses a day off SATS - need to speak to his teacher about that - I know the SATS are really important for how they are streamed in Senior school - so I don't want him streamed wrong!

Oh hate this.

Laine x


Anonymous said...

Sats are important so I think you should cancel the hospital appt and let him take his Sats, but have a chat with the teacher. You could also ask the hospital to contact you if they have a cancellattion or if they won't do that then ring the hospital weekly to find out about cancellations......we're always getting cancellations and letting people know they can have an earlier slot! Don't panic, doesn't do your health any good!!!!

Anonymous said...

Let him do the Sats test and make another later appointment! As Joan said you may get an earlier one due to a cancellation! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

No idea whatg Sats are as we don't have them.......sound horrible anyway - take hikm to hospital.

Anonymous said...

Yes I think I agree with Jeannette and Joan here ,love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

yea my mom always gets appointments mixed up too.

Anonymous said...

Take them to the appointments it's more convienent for you :-)  I'm sure if you talk to the teacher everything will be fine xx


Anonymous said...

Personally, I'd let him to these SATS.  I don't know which subject it is on Friday but some of them are split into separate tests and the points are added together.  I don't know if its right though that they use the results to stream them as my little girl was only streamed after tests at her senior school (where although she got a 5 in maths she is now in the middle set).  Hugs, Terry x