Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Even more tired

Really tired and really fed up. The house is a mess - there's shopping to do. Kids to feed. Appointments to attend. Dog to walk and life to live! But there is this show - this degree show and its taking ages to get together! Wonder when Im gonna explode!

Im so so tired.  Finished painting the area now - but its been a nightmare - the area I was given was naff and needed loads doing to it. So glad John was there to help me - and he is busy too!! We also helped my friend - god knows how she would have coped if we hadnt helped her! All the painters got lights put up for them, all the designers got boards put up for them. I had nothing!! No lighting - no power!! I wanted to cry - still feel like crying.

Now today John is so so busy he finding it hard to help me. Cross stitches still need to be pressed. Christopher got opticians. And electric needs to be put in my area! How am I going to do all that. Computers got to be put in tomorrow and floor needs painting. Im tired and fed up.

Laine xx


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear you are feeling like this ,Im sure it will be OK  in the end ,itys just that you are tired its getting to you now ,keep smiling Laine and go for it ,your nearly there Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart Lainey Laine, so much to do, so little time.
Just hang in there m'dear.
Have a ((((( )))))
It will be worth all this hard work.
Sara   xxx

Anonymous said...

come on hun keep going,youre almost there now,were all rooting for you,love zoe xx

Anonymous said...

Laine you hang in there ~ you are now coming to the end of a very long slog ~ it is bound to be getting to you ~ you will be laughing about how you are feeling in a few weeks time ~ when it will all over ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Hello Laine, I think you need several more hours in the day, at least you`d find time to get some rest. Take care. :o)

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

aww hun dont stress yourself out so bad im sure things will be okay. Stop worrying about what others have and focus on yourself :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you can get it all sorted Laine, sounds like you have a lot on your plate! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Don't give up now lainey ~ not far to go xx  (((((((((((big hugs))))))))))))) you can do this, you know you can xx
