I just wasted a whole evening trying to sort out new laptop.
Flippin AOL is a nightmare - I might change ISP!!! I really think I might but I will miss AOL peeps - the peeps are the best. Journals are good.
Something wierd has happened to my lovely faithful laptop (my HP) - it says Im not connected to the internet and yet here I am! On aol on the internet - oh fed up with it all now!
The new puter is lovely I love it - but!! AOL dont like it - nope dont like it at all wont let it connect to my network - It does say you can get an AOL vista disc - but does that mean one puter on your network can be vista or do they think all of them are and then do we have to change the router - oh I think I will take Stuart's advise and buy XP programme to put on. Might be best I spose! More money!! Why did they invent Vista.
And John not HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! cry cry cry - Im crying - Im fed up and Im really gonna break something in a minute! Not done any of my work tonight - feel really fed up and stressed - hate being stressed and lonely - Im lonely I want John back - I need him tonight!!!
Laine xxx
Oh dear computers are a right pain !! Especially networking. I am alone too so I know how you feel Louise xx
I have read and heard so much about Vista, that it is not compatable with aol, etc.....give me good old XP any time....it is so easy! I would not be syrorised if there was a big change and Vista is a flop, it sounds nothing but trouble!!!!!!
if you can connect to the internet via your home network with your new computer you can use IE to go to AOL.CO.UK and download AOL for Vista.
Computers, what are they!
I am sure it will sort out. I don't know much about how you can connect but its worth calling AOL. Hugs, Terry x
Oh dear Laine I am sorry your are having problem ~ hope John will be home soon hate to think of you being lonely and stressed ~ Ally x
Aww Lainey :o(
Know you're feeling better now, 'cause I'm reading backwards. Still not nice reading this though m'dear. Glad our Stuart was able to help you, he's the best isn't he :o) Hope John is back now, or will be soon.
Have the ((((( ))))) from me.
Sara x
Awwww I hope you didn't cry ~ I can understand why you wanted to it's all so stressful :( I hope you got it sorted xx
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