Tuesday, 17 April 2007

turning alerts off cant cope

So sorry peeps Im going to have to turn my alerts off til further notice - Ive really got to get my head down now - I only have 5 weeks left of college and my work is no where near getting there at the moment.

I had a tuturial today and my tutor thinks that I wont do it in time he graded me low and said that I should have been at this stage in February!  Its my cross stitch and filming - I havent filmed much of it and not got on with it as I was wrapped up in dissertation and now my professional development folder and my presentation I have to do on Monday so I have been stupidly brushing aside the actualy artwork not giving it enough time - for me to succeed Ive really got to put the time in so that means giving up journals for the next 5 weeks - my show will be on 2nd June so I only have then to film myself doing one cross stitch and then cross stich as many as I can to put up in my show - a couple of my friends said they would do some for me  - I might take them up on that. This is all my own fault - left it to the last minute and now Im paying for it.

I will keep in touch and let you know how things are going - Im so sorry that I wont be around much. Love to you all.

Laine xxxx


Anonymous said...

head down then....................go for it......

Anonymous said...

You can do it ..go for it ..love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Lainey ~ you know you get catch up ~ We all have faith in you ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

You can do it! I know you can. Looking forward to hearing how well it went.
Barb- http://journals.aol.com/barbpinion/HEYLETSTALK

Anonymous said...

All the best . You can do it!! Louise xx

Anonymous said...

Try not to waste energy worrying or doing nice things.  It is just a short time to go so head down and power away.  Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about commenting ... hope you get on ok with the cross stitching and get this finished.  Good luck.  Hugs, Terry x

Anonymous said...

There are times that you have to prioritize....we all understand that.

Nose to the grindstone now Elainey.  You'll get there.  And we'll all be rooting for you and looking forward to hearing how it all goes.

Go get 'em!!

Anonymous said...

Lainey Laine :o)
You go do your thing hon, we'll still all be here when you come back.
I cross stitch, can send me some if you like!
Hoping that everything goes well.
Sara   xxx

Anonymous said...

Good luck Lainey ~ you know where we are if there is anything we can do to help xx
