Thursday, 5 April 2007


Flippin AOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's just say its taken me 4 hours just to get to my journal - fed up now and really really really annoyed with AOL - and do you know I cant even uninstall it!!! Hate it - fed up!!!

Laine xx


Anonymous said...

That's a shame mine works perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Lainey you really do sound fed up ~ and I can understand why
:o( Ally

Anonymous said...

Sending calming thoughts your way m'dear... mine are the pretty pink sparkly ones, just so you don't get them confused with anyone else's :o)
:o( though, why did it take four hours to get into your journal?
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Oh laine how annoying ,to say nothing of the time wasted Jan xx

Anonymous said...

lol aol is with you for life.

Anonymous said...

I've not been very impressed with them myself lately. It wouldn't let me add pictures the other day. They have also censored my journal in the past.

Anonymous said...

Awwww lainey ~ don't go :(  AOL is just annoying I can understand that.



Anonymous said...

I'm sorry AOL are such a pain. Why do we keep apologising for them?! I hope your problems with them are sorted. Have a great Easter, isn't the weather great down here?! Jeannette xx