Monday, 2 April 2007

Garfield eats spring!


Put my tag at the top as it so so cute it deserved to be! Thanks to Chocolate Cherried Creations. Clever girl Diama!

Sorry not read any journals this weekend but we have been out in the beautiful weather - making the most of it - I will try catch up tonight - I promise!

We went to Bedgebury Forest, Kent yesterday a fantastic place they had this Forest Adventure for kids (mainly over 16's) and they could climb through trees and fly and everything. Check it out at  Was really expensive though - If we had taken all the kids on it - it would have cost £130!! Under 16's are not allowed without adults. Apart from the adventure park there are some beautiful walks - it was lovely.

My step-daughter rang John and I yesterday to tell us that she is going to move in with her boyfriend - they have signed up to rent a flat and they get it in three weeks time - John and I tried to advise her to save up a bit first but how do stop young love! We told her we were very excited for her - she moves in on her 19th birthday! Alot of parents would have a go and tell they they are too young - but no point having a go - they will do what they want anyway - the main thing is is to be there for them - we always try to support her in what she does and share in their excitement. She is a very sensible girl and they both have very good jobs and Im sure they will enjoy starting a new life together. Awww thats the first of our five to leave the nest!

Right, Im just off to take the kids to the park now with Oscar doodles.  Oscar cant believe everyone is around on a Monday!! hee hee

Oh, and I pick up Fluke today, YAY!

Oh and can't miss Corrie tonight - Is Tracy guilty or not guilty?

Laine xxxxx





Anonymous said...

So pleased you had a good weekend ,Tracy is Guilty ,poor Dierdre that girls been nothing but trouble  blah blah Jan xxlol

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun time!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Lainey sounds like a lovely place to visit glad you had a good time ~ Hope your Stepdaughter gets of well with her move ~ as they both sound to be very sensible young people I am sure they will make a go of it ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

the amusement park sounds fun. I wished i lived there i would be there every day..and out of a home lol. Well i hope her moving in isnt a big mistake and i hope things go well for her and her boyfriend. My cousins girlfriend is finally preggy i say finally cuz they lived together for about 2 years now and been dating probably a lil longer.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Glad you had a good weekend. Things are sooo expensive as your kids get older aren't they. You are right about teenagers..its pointless passing comment all you can do is support them (I can just about remember being one myself and the more I was warned about things the more you want to do them!!) LOuise xx

Anonymous said...

I hope you've seen corrie but she was guilty!!  I didn't expect that to be honest but I haven't been watching it properly.  I'm half tempted to watch the alternative ending on the website lol............Glad you had a good weekend.  Good idea to make the most of the weather.


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good weekend m'dear :o)
That is the cutest tag!!
You are right, of course.  Your step-daughter will do what she thinks best, as long as she has your support she will be fine, whatever happens.  Hope they're very happy together :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Is it your birthday today?

Anonymous said...

Flying through trees must be exciting!    However the price is enough to buy a refrigerator for a home, lol !    The walks sound like they should be beautiful this time of year after the cold winter and getting outdoors for the first time.    It is very warm here today but may storm tonight and then will be cooling off getting down to freezing in the mornings and in the low 50's F  during the days.    I had been unable to sit at the computer for a long time because of my back pain.    I have an appointment to see a back surgeon.    I need to have a lumbar stenosis or narrowing of the spine repaired as it is putting pressure on my spinal cord.     I do a lot of reading on my board/cushion on my back as that is the only way I can concentrate.     I will get around to the journals a little at at time.    Thanks for visiting and viewing my photo!    mark

Anonymous said...

That's the trouble with these Adventure places, they cost so much to go on anything! I hope John's daughter knows what she's doing, good luck to her and her boyfriend! Jeannette xx