Friday, 20 April 2007

Feeling more positive

Im feeling more positive like this degree is actually possible. Sara, bless her, has a cross stitch to do and last night I managed to get two more patterns made for my friends at work and they now have theirs to start too.

Two more patterns to make by Monday for my other two friends Carol and Mia (maria but we call her mia)

Nearly finished Professional Development file - just got to write up work placements and do a costing thing on excel as if I was an artist submitting work in the real world. Not sure if I will do that or not as I wont be doing that Ill be working at the school hopefully.

Also got to do a power point presentation I have to do on Monday as part of my exam for professional development - got to talk for 10 to 15 mins - I know what your thinking - be hard to shut me up! hee hee

I got the brochure for the award ceremony thats on in July - and I have to order my cap and gown now - it will be a Bachelor of Arts one!! whoooooooooo weeeeeee thats if I get through this next 4 weeks.

4 years of college has now become just four weeks! This is a wierd time for me - no more college after 4 years - my youngest will start senior school and I will once again be out in the world of work!!! wierd!!!

Anyway just wanted to update - Ive still got alerts turned off but I will drop by occassionally.

Love Laine xxx



Anonymous said...

Can you read your own alerts? go for it Laine !! Jan xx

Anonymous said...

So far I've got 'But he didn't us' he he :o)
You will get there m'dear, you will you will you will!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As Sara said Lainey "YOU WILL GET THERE ~ glad you are feeling more positive ~ of course your degree is possible you have worked nearly 4 years to get it ~ 4 more weeks and it will be yours ~ can't wait to see you in your cap and gown ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Lainey I'm sure everythings coming along fine and just think you'll have letters after your name at the end of it all xx
