I now announce my five girl blogger awards go to;
Sara of Sara's Days - I love my lovely Sara I do! I think she is a fantastic Mum - and a fantastic person, I love her wit and her charm - she will always be one of my favourites! Always good at listening to me when Im down - bless her! Loves ya looooooods my lovely Sara.
Diama - Chocolate Cherried Creations - Just getting it off my chest
Diama is one super duper hell of a crazy lovely girl!! I love her! She is brilliant, fantastic and lovely! Diama is so fantastically clever and makes wonderful tags! Loves my lovely Cherry!
Donna - This, That and Hockey- who is always there for me if I want to chat and is crazy as I am too! I just love crazy people - you are all crazy girls like me LOL! And you make a mean tag!! I loves ya!
Annabel - Annabel's blog - well I just love this gal to bits - she is my best friend's daughter and I have known her ever since she was an ickle ickle baby in her mummy's tummy - she has grown into a beautiful beautiful gal and I love her to bits!!! Love you Annabel.
Kat - Walk with Me - A lovely lovely gal - always strong and so much to do in her life - I dont know how she does it but she does! Really really creative and clever too! Loves ya Kat! (by the way this is a private blog so you'll have to email me if you want me to request Kat that you visit.)
There are lots of people I couldnt include because someone else already gave them an award - also all the men bloggers! Dont think they got a men award one but there are alot of fab men out there blogging a way! Think you are all brilliant and everyone deserves an award - if I was able to make graphics I would do a Laine Award and you would all get one!! Specially you Stuart!!!!
Love Laine xxx
Thanks Laine I'm honored :) You rock girlfriend!
You are SO sweet, I am touched that you recognized me.
If any of your reader want to visit (I'm private), have them email me saying you sent them...
Thanks Laine!
Congrats! And good choices. :)
thank you.
Congratulations Laine ,Igot some too isnt it exciting? ...love Jan xx
Heeeee, I got a 'Rockin' Girl Blogger' award from my Lainey Laine :o)
Aww, and you are one of my top fave's too hon, thank you!!!
I am going to do this too, but I will cheat and choose more people, he he!
Sara xxx
cutting me balls off............
Laine you well deserve your blogger award ~ isn't it a nice idea to send them on to friends ~ I am going to have a read of the Journals you have nominated ~ Ally x
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