When I went shopping yesterday I didnt just buy for Sam - I bought for me too - I bought some lovely new trainers - two pairs because I couldnt decide - one pair is white and pink and the other black and pink. Hee hee
Faffed all day to day.
Didnt do any tidying up!
Didnt take the dog out - awww poor Oscar - well I took him out but only up the road to my friend's house.
Got to get all ready for France tomorrow - not sure whether to put everything in my rucksack or take a cool bag too. Advantage of cool bag is nice French wine can go in it at the end of day when we go to hyper market! If everything goes in rucksack it will be heavy but do I want two bags to carry? Whoops looks like I mean Im going to France tomorrow - nooo Im getting ready tomorrow - going on Thursday - just needed to clear that one up! LOL
Been bad today ate chocolate and milk cow gums from Sainsburys - loving milk cow gums at the moment! hmmmmm shall I take some to France?
Need to buy Euros tomorrow.
The book I'm reading 'False Memory' by Dean Koontz is brilliant - really cant wait to read it every night - Im managing about 10 pages before I go to sleep - will take ages to finish it - its about 800 pages long. Im sure one of you will work it out! By the way Im on about page 200. Will post it to you Sara when Im finished :0)
Went in playground today to wait for Joe, I dont normally do that because I really hate going in the playground - because I really dont want to talk to people sometimes. I find it quite stressful. Anyway, today I went in because I had to pick up my paperwork for my job. Two girls were so obviously talking about me - its so obvious when they whisper then turn and look at you! Its because one of them had gone for the job and not even got an interview and she knew that I'd got it! LOL! Im glad I wont have to be a mum in a playground again after 25th July!! YAY Hate playground gossip!
My little Joe got his new uniform today for September - awwww he looks all grown up in it - seems wierd seeing himin that uniform!
Laine xxxxx
Thanks Donna for my fairy.xxx
Once again, women's obsession with buying footware!
Your trainers sound great Laine, really cool. Now there`s a real old-fashioned word...lol! Have a great trip. :o)
Love Sandra xxxx
Pleased you bought your trainers ,a present for all your hard work lol ,Have a good time tomorrow in France ...love Jan xx
what you buy me???
happy you brought trainers but I'm not sure what they are, undies, socks? Have a good time in France on Thursday. Yep kids can be kids at the play ground that's for sure. Hugs and love
Good for you!!!
Heyyyyyyyy you lost animation, need help? AOL and .gif files are such a pain. Let me know and I'll help ya get it in there right.
Take no notice of playground gossip...........whilst they are talking about you they are leaving someone else alone.........that's how I look at it. Great with the trainers...........I could really do with a new pair, maybe after my hols. Eileenx
Yes, it always suprises me how quick our children seem to grow up.
I hope everything goes well for you in France and for the job you have applied for.
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