Rain rain go away come again another day!
Shrek III ok - just ok - thing is Shrek and Shrek II are so fantastic how do you live up to them! I fell asleep! So Joan I did a Rob! LOL Still go watch it though Diama - I think you need to see it - its just not as good as the others. I still love Shrek!
Oscar is looking longingly out the french doors - hmmm he wants to go walking in the rain! Might go in a minute if it eases off.
Weather report for Hastings, rain Sunday, rain Monday, rain Tuesday - oh and more rain on Wednesday! So its gonna rain then!
The boys just played football outside in the rain.
John has just gone shopping up to Tesco in the rain.
I might walk the dog in the rain.
I'm a bit fed up as we dont have any money at the mo - hmmmmmph. Hate money it makes you fed up and you dont want it to! My boys Dad had suddenly stopped paying maintenance without any warning - he owes us £600 now! If he dont pay this month's then it will be £900. He is taking the boys out to dinner tomorrow - how can he afford that if he cant afford the maintenance? Already in the past he has owed me a couple of thousand and I had to get it back through the courts which took forever - I really hope I dont have to do all that again. John has never ever ever missed a maintenance payment even when we are struggling. Of course, me being a student for the last 5 years hasnt helped matters and we are struggling but now he has stopped it makes matters worse. Be so much easier when Im getting a wage coming in - there hasnt even been any work at the holiday park. I hope he pays us soon - I dont want to have a go at him just yet.
Anyway sorry to harp on about all my troubles!! Think its this rain - I feel like Eeoyre!!! LOL
He is kind of gloomy!!
Lainey Laine xxxxxxxxxxx