Saturday, 31 March 2007


Worked today - first time in ages - been asked to work next Thursday, Friday and Bank Holiday Monday - no work for ages then suddenly loads - Good Friday and Monday are double time!! YAY!!!

Chatted to my friend Cean on phone - we were getting all excited about soon having to order our gowns for our graduation in July!!! I will probably cry when I get that gown on!

Fluke not in book shop yet - hope its in on Monday.

John out mowing the lawn - Im sitting here being lazy!

Kids going to pictures this afternoon - to see Mr Bean - John and I will mooch round town.

Friends coming tonight - Shelley and David - going to have Chinese.

When do I fit the dog walk in?

Must take Oscar for a long long walk tomorrow - its got to be an Oscar day.

Start of school hols - kids all being good so far - Got mine til Thursday and Chris goes back on Tuesday - Wednesday hospital with Sam - Thursday they go to their Dad's - Then all of them back on Sunday night and then thats three of them for the whole of the second week.  Must try fit some artwork in amongst kid. Typical that when John and I have no kids I've got to work!

Have a good weekend all.

Laine xx


Anonymous said...

You sound as though you are going to be busy this weekend and next ,did you see the book awards ,your one came 2nd in its category ,we have good taste lol Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Like Jan said Lainey you are going to be the busy one ~ I look forward to seeing you in your cap and gown ~ can imagine how excited you are ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Getting your graduation gown will be exciting Laine! You're gonna have to pose for us in it! It sounds like you're going to be super busy for a while, I have to work Easter Monday and maybe Good Friday too, yuk! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to seeing those graduation pictures too.  Hope you had a nice evening with your friends.  Hugs, Terry x

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your quite busy at the moment ~ I bet it's a relief to know you don't have to worry about your dissertation only the graduation now :-)  Hope you'll have fun with the kids and good luck at the hospital xx


Anonymous said...

Hello Laine, I`m looking forward to seeing you in your graduation finery, you`ll look great.  Jim mowed our lawn today (Sunday) while I got stuck into more gardening. Now I have a major backache so I should have sat and watched him like you did! ;o)

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I forgot all about school holidays. Kids on the streets all day. How unpleasant.

Anonymous said...

Aww Laine, you should feel proud of you, have a few tears in the gown, why not :o)
Sara   x