This is my entry - I'm five today - Mummy never got me anything though - Grandad bought me some boneos!! I got one card! Hmmm life's tough being a dog you know! I still got the same old toy Ive had for 4 years! Mummy just stuck tapping on that computer - five minutes she played with me today. Still going out with my Mummy and Daddy at lunch time for my birthday! They both so busy they need a break.
Love to all my lovely furs
Oscar xxxxxxxxxx
Happy Birthday Oscar, wags, barks & licks from Sam of Stranny Dayze.......I'm 10 on 13th April so my humans had better remember me with loads of goodies for me!! Hope you have a nice dinner tonight and lots of fusses later on!! Wags & licks from Samdog.
Happy birthday Oscar! Nina here, I was one year old on Sunday, I got raw chicken breast for dinner. Have a good day, I'm sure mummy will soon stop tapping and pay attention to you. Do something naughty, that'll make her take notice; it works for me! Nina xx
Great Pictures Dude!!! Happy Birthday! Oscar!
My names Buster. My mommy is Liz.
I'll be 8 in April, I'm a boxer, I was a Valentines present for daddy that mommy gave him, I was 10 months ole then. I love these people so much. They got me a friend 2 summers ago, her name is "Buttercup" she is so pretty, she is a boxer too, and so little, not like me, I'm big and strong. I'm getting old though they say. I can hardly get up in the mornings with my arthur--or something they say I have. But I prove them wrong, I might stumble and fall, but I still can walk and get around. I've got to look good for my girlfriend, Buttercup. She is 4years old. Hope your Birthday is a that you want it to be, my friend!!
Wags and licks!
Buster & Buttercup
Oh...the pictures of the birthday boy are just the best. Golden's have such special personalities. I can see/hear the same thing from my Berkeley.
Happy Birthday Oscar!
HB OSCAR! {{{{{{ }}}}}}
Tell Mummy to buy you a new toy, & play with you today for an extra long time, followed by a nice massage! WOO HOO!
Having lunch out, great, have fun.
Big slurps from, Angel, Sweet Pee, & Monkee.
And a pat from Sugar
Happy birthday Oscar I hope your Mummy Hurries out and buy you a new toy ~ if not We will send you one of ours ~ Woof Woof Woof ~ glad Grandad got you some Boneos and you got a card ~ happy hunting ~ Nin and Barney xx
Have a lovely birthday Oscar ,be patient Mummy will find time once shes found that paper Jan xx
Awww happy birthday Oscar xx Big huggles from me
Awwwww, I love Oscar, he's so handsome... Happy Birthday Oscar :o)
Buddy wants to play with him, he will share his toys, he he!
Sara x
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