Worried about my friends today - two of them - oh dear I so wish I could be a miracle worker and make them happy!!
Its so hard to know where to begin - one of them I told you about - put her text messages in my journal - well in a way she annoys me because she is seeing a married man and she is married and I know she wont do anything about it!! I get cross with her and say for gods sake just get out then and tell him you want him. She went out with him on valentine's night as his wife was away in France - she sent him a valentine's card but never told him it was from her - she wants him to believe his wife sent it as a plant! In fact, she told me she was out with me on Valentine's night (Im sure her husband will think it strange I was not with John! which I was but of course she was lieing remember!) and got me to send the card so it was my writing! I told her to tell her fella that he should leave his wife for her (because honestly what use is he to his poor wife if he is cheating on her!) - Oh it gets on my nerves so Im not gonna say anymore.
I feel more sorry for my other friend - she is closest to me we have know each other for nearly 14 years. She left her husband as he was a nightmare and I don't blame her - and she moved in with her new guy in November last year with her children and they changed schools as they moved over 40 min drive away. The girls settled nicely into their new schools - we went to visit them over Christmas and they all seemed happy and settled. But, her ex-husband has been threatening, violent and just not comprehending at all. When they went to get some of her girls things from the house he had a knife and they had to call the police - its all been really awful and she has lost loads of weight and had abcesses in her mouth and been on lots of drugs. Awwww I love her so much. Anyway, things have gone from bad to worse - her so called boyfriend has now declared he has had enough and cant cope with her ex-husbands behaviour - he has gone away for the weekend and said to her that she is welcome to stay in his house with her girls as long as she needs to. He doesn't know if he will come back!! Oh and he said he still loves her!! If he loved her he would support her not make things worse. She cant move the girls away from schools again - she moved him with him thinking he would look after them all and he isnt - she has no friends or family around her - I love hour and half away from her - I feel so helpless!! She said she is going to try and move out this weekend while he is away - she will see her Dad tomorrow and hopefully he can lend her some money until she gets her house sold. She won't move the girls out of their schools again - but she feels so lonely!!! John said he would drive me over there to see her tonight but she said she is better left to chat with her girls and that I wouldnt really be of help. She sounded so hurt and flat. She says she doesnt care anymore and she doesnt think she can live with this man even if he decides to stay with her.
Oh dear, I'm just so blessed to have such a lovely man that supports me and loves me.
I love my friend so much and I just want to be there for her.
Laine xx
It is hard to have friends hurt and not be able to help. In some way we can, by being honest about what is right. That is not always easy, especially if it involves a friend we care about. I had a friend who dated a married man. I didnt judge her but would not help her in any way. I told her what she was doing was wrong and I wanted no part of it. Too many people are out there eager to tear up families. Never mind that there are children involoved. It hurst my heart!
Your other friend desperately needs your support and I am glad she knows she has it. My daugher went through many years of horrible abuse, and her children as well. How terribly sad for this friend of yours. Her children must be overwhelmed seeing their mother in this state. I doubt her boyfriend loves her much or he'd not have left her alone. That was a horrible thing to do. I can understand his being frustrated but he was wrong to abandon her as he did. I will keep both of your friends in prayer. Try not to worry too much. It's not good for you either. I'm glad you have such a wonderful husband.
Love & prayers too,
Barb- http://journals.aol.com/barbpinion/HEYLETSTALK
Oh dear Laine,
It must be so difficult for you to try to help friends who are in such trying, but different circumstances. I suppose all you can do is to carry on being that friend, although it must be hard not being able to help more.
Love Sandra xxxx
Horrible when you want to help but can't isn't it.
Just be there when she needs you hon, that's all you can do.
Sara x
Dear Laine, its hard when you are worried about situations that you can't do much about. Its really sad about your friend who is having her happiness spoilt by her ex and disappointing that her new man is being so spineless, its no wonder that she is at such a low ebb. Perhaps she is better off without him too. I hope she can manage to get herself a nice place and settle her children, they must be very upset with everything going on too. It must be hard as you'd like to go and see her but you have to respect what she says but I'd keep in close touch with her over the next few days as a support. Regarding your other friend, I think she is very unfair drawing you into her affair as a cover up story and as you say she should make up her mind what to do. I am glad you have your lovely John and a settled life. Hugs. Terry x
I have to say I feel more sorry for the 2nd situation poor thing :( I think the best thing she can do is set up home just for her and her girls. Not to move away from where they are now coz that would be unfair to the girls but for her to start again by herself she'll be more confident and happy :-) If you do get to see her give her a big hug from me. I don't believe her bloke could love her and not support her ~ what an arse!!
I feel so sorry for the second one and it must be hard on her new man to have to put up with her ex's behaviour. She'd be better off on her own for a while, you have to think of the kids first and bring some stablility into their lives. I hope she can work through it. Jeannette xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/
I feel sorry for your second friend but the first seems kinda evil.
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