Feeling more focused today - had a long chat with my friend Maria about my work - talked her through what I had done since September to the present day. I seem to be a bit obsessive about collecting text messages and friends on the internet - so it's all about me really.
Two years ago I did a sculpture of text messages and emails that John and I had sent each other - I will take a picture of it and post it on my Journal so you can see it. Because it was so personal to me I got very excited and the work was good. I need to find that personal feeling again - All the comments and emails I get from you mean alot to me - all my text messages mean alot to me - I have over 900 on my phone and I won't delete them - why is that? Maybe I could do a similar sort of thing that I did with my messages and emails from John.
At least this has got me feeling a bit more motivated - I haven't felt like that for weeks.
Laine xxxxx
sounds interesting as concept............I like it
blog comments would be interesting as well
It is nice to recieve comments isn`t it Laine? How do you manage to keep over 900 text messages...? I always delete mine after I reach about 10...lol! :o)
Sandra xxxx
Laine glad you are feeling more focused ~ be interested to seeing picture of the sculpture you did of text messages ~ really sound interesting ~ take care and keep safe ~ Ally
Wow thats alot of text messages ..love Jan xx
I have stacks of old letters some of which are from companys that are of no importance that I still have and need to go through and get rid of sitting around collecting dust. Your text messages are of a personal nature and re-reading them must bring you enjoyment. It will be interesting to see your collage of them. I have an art print that I did from 2 seperate photos that I made an entry of if you would like to view it. mark
Blimey, your phone is good, I have to delete my messages when they get to about 50. It would be nice to see your art work. Hugs. Terry x
that's a pretty cool idea...wow the stories my text messages could tell! ;-)
the text messages sculpture sounds fantastic,wed love to see pics,all the best zoe xx
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