Sunday, 21 January 2007

Crying over you

Oh what is wrong with me!!! My man (John) has gone away tonight for work and when he left tonight i sobbed my heart out! How stupid is that! He only away for one night - I think its because I'm so low at the moment and I need him - right here I go again - crying again! All I seem to do lately is cry!! Wonder what is wrong with me! Why do I keep feeling so sorry for myself!!

To clear up the mystery of the text messages........... hmmm no I won't tell you yet here is another one from a her a little while ago ........... might tell you tomorrow!!!!

"Been trying not to text u. saw him yesterday. got next day blues today. i am so stupid. hows u"

Then I thought I would show you one of the many I get from my John seeing as Im feelin all silly and in love and missing him!!! He has only been gone ten minutes!!!

This is from when he was away once before.

"Yeah I am missing you too just keep thinking how much i love you john x"

Awwww I've been really nagging to him today - and now I want him back so I can cuddle him and tell him how much I love him - well I know he knows that I love him.  Oh dear doesnt love hurt sometimes!!!

Laine xxxxxxxxxxxx


Anonymous said...

sounds a bit likie depression to me.........a Dr would soon tell you.............

Anonymous said...

I agree with Stuart you do sound depressed ..poor lainey Jan xx

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful to love somebody so much and be loved as much in return. I am blessed to have such a love too. Crying a lot, and feeling so low, IS oftentimes signs of depression. ALthought we do all simply have low moments in our lives, times when, for no reason in particular, we feel sad and weepy. Will keep you in prayer.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're depressed as Stuart says, maybe a visit to your doctor and have your hormone levels checked out. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for you.  There are a lot of things I would like to say but this is much too public for me to talk here.  

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you have the blues!  Sometimes..I think it is like the goes around and is something we all catch...I will be praying for you!  Big hugs and hope your honey comes back soon...and no I did not get an alert from your journal...dang AOL...why can they send me 10 of one persons journal and miss so many!!!!  Well will re set the alerts and see if that works..however if for some reason it has been over a week since I pop by chance are the reset didn't is doing the same with several other journals I love..take a nice hot bath and curl up and watch a good movie!!! Big hugs,TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

Oh Laine hate to think of you feeling so low ~ sounds like you are a little depressed ~ see your Doctor I am sure he will be able to help you ~ take care I hope the week ahead sees you feeling better ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

You will be ok, Lainey, everyone gets the blues, especially in the winter months, lack of sun they say. If you can, get outside and take a long relaxing walk to clear your head. The fresh air will do you good. And if this mood lasts several weeks, then go see you doctor. John will be back soon, and you all will be cuddling again. Get busy doing something, clean like a mad woman. Go get a new hair cut or nails done, or massage. Then relax in a hot bubble bath tonight, no lights on with scented candles in the room for light, with soft music playing. It is really relaxing. Just think of Johns love while you are in there, and your wedding day. That will cheer you up.
God wants you to cheer up, so help yourself and He will do the rest, sweety.
Have a wonderful day.
God Bless,
Liz in the good ole USA.

Anonymous said...

Hi sorry you are feeling so low, remember tomorrow is another day and you could feel completely different. Thinking of you love Gillx

Anonymous said...

Blimey girl whats wrong with you!!  You can watch what you like on the telly and have the bed to yourself .... oooh bliss.  Hmmm, maybe I like a bit of space after 30 years and a 4ft 6ins bed.  Hugs.  Terry x

Anonymous said...

I hope you get to feeling better.     I text message from a 'her'?    I suppose that could mean several different things.      I got your alert.     I have not been on the computer much so I try to visit the journals a little at a time.     How is the art work progressing?     mark

Anonymous said...

No, for some reason I'm not getting alerts for your journal hon, grrr!!  
Awww though, hate to think of you all upset like this.  You are very lucky though in my opinion, to have such a strong relationship that you do miss John when he's away.  He'll be back by now, am late reading 'cause of the no alerts thing, so hopefully you are all happy again now.
Sara   xxx