Grrrrrrr just did an entry then lost it!!! I so hate that!!
Anyway, just to thank those of you who visited Annabel - bless her - I hope she keeps her journal up - if you would like to pay her a visit then she would be so pleased!! Thanks.
I went to the Nurse today - she said that she expects my hormones are all up the shute!! LOL Probably why I've been feeling the way I am. She thinks I might have fibroids or something (not sure if thats spelt right). Anyway, she has urgently referred me to the hospital - I should be seen within two weeks!! Cripes!! Do hope that doesnt coincide with Sam's appointment!!!
Had a really good day at college. Feeling really productive. Now I'm concentrating on the huge collection of text messages that I have and doing something with them. I've found a way to make some really nice cubes and I've bought myself a stamp that I can put my own messages on - so I'm going to see if that works out ok. I'll let you know!
I'll try get round to your journals soon - I've got so many alerts to get through - still don't think alerts are going out for my journal much!!!
Laine xxxxx
Ohj heck fobnroids and hormones you will be a mess........still it will sort itself out........fingers crossed
Glad you had a good day at college. Hugs, Terry x
I hope they can sort out what's wrong with you Laine! Glad you had a good day at college, that'll make you feel better! Jeannette xx
Glad you went to the Nurse. Hormones just might be the problem. Sure is tough being a woman sometimes, lol *Good college day. Hooray! Accomplishing something always makes things seem better, doesn't it? Making journal rounds? I got caught up in *stuff* and am so far behind I'll never catch up. I just delete and start fresh. That's the only way to go. Hope you feel better real soon.
That's why you've been so emotional lately. You will be ok. I had fibroids, and all I had to do is stop the caffiene consumption, and they went away. You will be ok. Glad school was ok, today. Take care.
God Bless,
Liz in VA. USA
i hope every thing goes well with your hospital visit.
could you do me a favour hun? could you elaborate on the symptoms of fibroids,i have had bad hormone probs for years and it could be a possibility for me,then again maybe im just insane lol take care zoe xx
Laine hope everything goes well for you ~ Ally
I hope you are okay. I don't know what fibroids are but they don't sound like anything pleasant.
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