Can't believe its a new week already.
What does this week hold for me I wonder.
Sam off school today so feels like I've got a purpose for being here if you know what I mean.
I've actually done something today - done some tidying up and got my finances sorted out.
The boys Dad has eventually paid up so I can pay off a few bills today - phew! Also I can buy Sam some long awaited clothes - not been able to buy him some new clothes for ages. Joe needs some too but Sam more desparate as Joe has had alot of Sam's cast offs. Joe also spends all his pocket money/birthday money on latest football kits so he is always looking smart!
Going down the town in a minute. Sam and Joey (his friend) going too. Im going to meet my friend Maria for a coffee whilst the boys go and shop.
Got a meeting after school for the French Trip on Thursday - we are going early on Thursday and dont get back til late Thurs night - Im dreading it because I dont travel very well. But it should be a good day and its Joe's last school trip with Robsack.
Slept better last night. I was so relieved to wake up this morning and realise I'd slept all night - mind you didnt go off til 1.30am but its still good to sleep right through. I try to put off going to bed until I feel really really tired - I do so hate just laying there and wierd things go on in my mind - so dont like that.
Not sure, apart from day in France, what I will be doing this week. I keep telling myself to tidy up because believe me my house is a tip! It really is. I just cant get up the energy or enthusiasm to do it all. My brain says do it but my body says no!
Hope you are all ok.
Thinking of my lovely journal friends.
Laine xxxxxx
If there are any mistakes or it dont make sense - im sorry - it just all came out!