Wednesday, 28 February 2007


OH NO!! I went to bed early coz I was so tired - then just now I was woken by a noise  - when I came too and listened a bit more I realised it was coming from above me.  Its the dreaded rats back in the loft!! So so scary - I froze in my bed imagining that they can get to me!! The dog did not stir at all!! I spose He wouldnt bother with a noise but if they got out he would!! I hope!!  So they have obviously came back and taken the bait - I do hope they havent taken it to die up in the loft - imagine the stench!! Oh no I might get the man back to get them out if they have.  Im sitting downstairs now and Im such a wimp that I dont want to go back upstairs.  John and the kids didnt wake up - cant believe it as they are so noisy those rats.  I know it takes about 4 days for the poison to kill them so hopefully that will be the end of them!

Blowing a gale outside and raining very heavy - that doesnt help with the getting back to sleep bit!!

Laine xxx

Annabel's blog

Just a reminder about Annabel - I know she doesnt journal much but I'd love to encourage her to do more so please visit her if you want to. Thanks Laine xxx



Hi all, thanks so much for all your comments yesterday - I still feel tired - in fact its only ten past nine and I'm thinking I might go to bed in a minute - that's not like me - Im usually a night owl - don't normally go to bed til at least eleven thirty. 

My tutor was getting excited about New York today - first time he has mentioned it - it will be nice as we will meet up with him on one of the days - will be nice to see him outside college and not all stressed like he normally is!

Right think I will toodles off to bed - might have little go on Animal Crossing first!  Awww tried to set that up so I could visit Stuart's world - and I just can't set it up! Hope I can sort it soon then Stuart can have his cherries!

night night,

Laine x


Tuesday, 27 February 2007

So tired

I'm so tired today. Been feeling poorly with women's things! At least I havent got that next week, hopefully!  I'm so glad hospital checking me out now! Hopefully they will be able to sort me out and I wont feel so poorly every month.

I feel like I'm spaced out and wierd - hard to explain!

Lovely tag made by Donna.

Monday, 26 February 2007


Hi my friends,

Well only a week today and I will be on that plane! EEEK - dont like flying - trying not to think about that too much!  Im really looking forward to the trip now that we are booked into the hotel. It will be great!  The hotel is only 3 start but hey!! much better than that hostel!

The rat man came today - he said it definately was/is rats.  He thinks they have gone but he has baited in the garage just incase. He said they havent nested so thats a relief.  We have to watch Oscar carefully - if he got hold of a poisoned dead rat it could kill him - we have to watch him and if he acts strange in any way we rush him to the vets with the note about the anitdote - scary stuff - John and I are going check the garden every morning and our garden is not small!  The guy said it is highly unlikely that they will die in the garden - he reckons they will go back to their nest but we have to be vigilant with Oscar.

My work placement started very well today at the school.  I'm working with an artist from an organisation called Creative Partnerships and they provide funding to schools so that artists can work with the children.  It sounds so exciting!!  We planned the lessons today and they start next week but, of course, I wont be there next week so I'll miss the first week.  Im so excited about working with the children!

Busy week this week - its going to go fast.

Do I take my DS with me to NY? Hmmm

Wonder if Stuart has got his Wii?

And, bet Sara is stuck on that game!!!

Take care,

Love Laine xxx


Sunday, 25 February 2007

Sunday and Roast Lamb

Hi All,

Happy Sunday!

Sam and I having roast lamb for dinner - yummy - not had a roast for ages.

Feeling so much better about New York - keep looking at the pictures of the hotel - I think I will love it!!  My friends are all very happy about it too.  We are all different ages - Im 41, Erna is 66, Hilary is 56 and Hilary's daughter Jessica is 26 but Im sure we will get on just fine. I just spoke to Erna and she was so grateful for me booking the hotel - she sounds such a lovely lady - I only met her last week at the meeting for the trip! Hilary and I are on the same course together - I expect Hilary and I will stick together like glue throughout the week and Erna and Jessica will go their own ways. Erna has a friend who lives in Washington and Jessica's college friends will be in that dreaded hostel!  Hilary and I will get on famously as we both like coffee and lots of stops!! ha ha!!

I feel a bit funny with John today - he is getting on my nerves - oh I do love him so!!  But just lately he is annoying me and I dont know why! He gets so tired and goes to bed early and I go to bed late.  He doesnt eat healthily and that annoys me.  Im cooking a lovely dinner today and he doesnt want any - still we all go through stages like this dont we. I never stop loving him even when he does annoy me! And I will miss him so so much next week - I think thats why I feel funny - Im taking it out on him that I will miss him so much - does that make sense or am I totally mad!!

Awwwwwwww the snow gone in my Animal Crossing lil world - no more snowmen! Its kinda pretty though now you can see the grass.  I've got a fishing tourney today - so gonna catch a big one! LOL

I keep looking at my Sam and comparing him with Chris - as Chris is growing normally and is a normal size for a 13 year old - I can really see that Sam really isnt developing like he should and Im so glad that something will be sorted soon - its just now a matter of waiting for the hospital to send an appointment to see the consultant so he can explain it all to me. I said to John I musnt forget Joe in all this - he has his appointment in May to see how he is getting on - but if he is anything to go by then Sam will flourish on Growth Hormone and hopefully wont notice a difference between himself and his peers. 

John has just taken Chris home as he wanted to be home to watch the footie. So when John comes back, after dinner we shall take Oscar out for a nice long walk. 

Oh the rat problem - we have a man coming on Monday - we found the potatoes! They were over a gap in the step to the outside door of the garage - like they have tried to get them through the gap - and the gap leads to a cavity and oh dear its horrible but theyve been getting in the roof too!!  The boys did say they could hear something and we said it was just birds!!! OOOOH Grim!! Anyway so glad the man is coming.

I have got my work placement tomorrow - we have the planning for it with the teacher and the artist I will be working with. We are going to be doing digital photography with the kids. Should be fun planning it and even more fun doing it!

Anyway, bored you enough!

Take care xx

Isnt this just gorgeous - thanks Dianna. xxxx


Saturday, 24 February 2007

The Hyatt Hotel, New York

We were worried - extremely worried my friends and I - about the Chelsea International Hostel - New York - Read all the reviews - bed bugs!! Cockroaches!! Had to wear flip flops in the shower - no where to put your luggage - very tight tiny compact rooms - ok if your young and fit and dont want to sleep much but when you get to my age you want some comfort.

So I have booked today The Hyatt Hotel! The four of us are going to share a room so it only works out £200 each!! Well between shelling out another £200 and sharing my bed with a coakroach!!! Hmm no competition. Have a look at the website - its an absolutely gorgeous hotel - near all the galleries and shops and everything.

Now I feel so much better!!!! Me and my friends are now going to have a ball in New York!!!

Laine xxxxxxxxxxx

Friday, 23 February 2007

Feel funny

I feel funny - don't know why - don't know whats up - I got butterflies and feel like something is going to happen - I think its my trip to New York - its so near now - I hate flying!! Also my friend looked up the hostel on a hostel website and there were some gruesome pics of it with cockroaches and not nice stuff.  Im sure it will be ok - I looked on the website and it looked ok - oooooooooh. Im also worried about leaving Sam, Joe and John and my lovely Oscar.  Im sure they will be fine - they will have to be!!! But I do feel weird!!!!!!

Hope you like the pics of my lovely Oscar - was trying new camera out again.

Laine xxxxx

Thanks to Dianna for my lovely tag.

Thursday, 22 February 2007


Remember I took Sam for tests couple of weeks ago? And they were testing to see if he was growth hormone deficient or not.  Well they said they would let me know within a week if anything was abnormal - a week went by so I was relieved - everything must be ok!

Well today the hospital phoned me and said - Sam needs to come in for more tests on 4th April and I was like but why?? She said I really dont know Im just the administrator - oh and he also needs an MRI scan - well I was confused as if he was ok surely he wouldnt need anymore tests - anyway she said she would get the Doctor to ring me to explain.

So when I was walking through Debenhams on way to meet friend for coffee this afternoon my phone rings! What a time for the Doctor to ring - not that he knew!  Anyway, he explained to me that Sam's tests were abnormal and that he is Growth Hormone Deficient and there is something wrong with another hormone thats why they need to do more tests as they are not 100 per cent sure what - he did explain to me about the other hormone but I really didnt take it all in.  So prior to 4th April (tests) we need to go see the consultant so he can explain to me in more detail - also they will start him on growth hormone. So lots of trips for us to London coming up. Im not worried about Sam as I know he will be ok - I do hope he grows well though through his teenage years - its so important for kids of that age to grow - its like a really big thing for them.  My Joe was sorted out at age 3 so he wont have any problems going through teens - infact Joe is doing really well on his growth hormone - Sam will only just be starting so he might lapse behind his friends in the growing stakes.  At least he is not ill - he is not disabled or really sick - he has deficiencies and they can be replaced! Its just all the hassle he has got to go through - bless him.

Sorry just had to get that off my chest.

Laine xxx


Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Annabel's blog

Please visit my lovely Annabel - she is new to j-land and doesn't have many readers yet. Please pass her link on to anyone who would be interested in getting her alerts - she doesnt post often but I want to encourage her. Laine xxxxx


OH I want to go to Jamaica!!!

My Friend's villa in Jamaica

Had a lovely morning at college - my friend Cean is from Jamaica and his mum owns the villa above - click on the link and have a look - he was showing me today!!! Awwwwwwwwww its so gorgeous!!  He said that John and I should go there with the kids - well I would if I could afford it!!! Imagine going to a place like that!!  He said that if I phone his mum direct then she might do a deal or if we go when him and his wife are there we could stay for free!!!  Not sure if we could afford it though!!!  Isnt it gorgeous though!

Well I know where I will be going and thats New York - I go on the 5th March thats less than two weeks!!!! Yay - Im so excited - Im staying at the Chelsea International Youth Hostel - as we are students and it is cheaper!!  Im also going to meet a friend I have known on AOL for about  4 years - it will be our first meeting - Im so excited!!! Of course Im not going to go shopping or anything its a study trip - ahem!!! LOL!!!! Shopping!!!!! YAY cant wait!!! hee hee

Hope you are all well.

Laine xxxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

For Stuart and Ally!!!!

Sorry took so long but here is my latest artwork!!! Laine xxxxx

Something beautiful

 Right! I got fed up with rats on my journal and as Cherry made me this absolutely gorgeous tag - I thought I would share it with you all. I forgot to tell you all that my tutor spoke to me yesterday and made me feel so much better. I think my work is liked which is good - they like the cubes with text on!!!  Also got an extension to the dissertation - well we all have!! So thats good. I feel so much better.

Love Laine

(whoops sorry Im putting lots of alerts in your mail tonight arent I!!)


Rat or not?

I've been wondering if it could be a rat if rats dont eat potatoes then it cant be can it? The mysterious thing is that the box the potatoe is in does not move at all - you would think it would tip over - its like the potatoe just disappears into thin air - there are no scraps and no droppings or anything!  Wierd eh!!!!

I went to the hospital today - it wasnt very nice really - but wasnt painful - wont go into detail but its gynaelogical (if I spelt that right LOL). Anyway, the consultant said he doesnt think there is anything to worry about - no nasties!  I got to go back to have another camera and more bits taken from me after they get the results from today. I will also have a scan to see if there is anything that shouldnt be there - he said it might be early menopause and that the symptons of menopause can start 5 or 6 years before you actually go into it! Anyway I dont go back til 22nd March so I can relax til then!

Right not much else to say really so I'll shoot off!!

Love Laine xxxx

Tuesday Rats!!

Oh Dear!!!! Think we got rats or something in our garage!!!  I always keep my potatoes in the garage because its dark and cold - the other day I went to get a potatoe - no potatoes!! Carrots were in the box but not potatoes - the carrot had a distinct tooth mark in it!!! Thats horrible!!! 

Anyway two nights ago John and i decided to put just one potatoe in the garage to see if it disappeared.  John thought I might have just forgotten that I'd used all the potatoes! Anyway, first night the potatoe still there next day - but, however, this morning potatoe gone!! OH NO! That's not good - so something is getting in the garage - hate to say the word!  The garage is integral and Im worried that the nasty thing can get in the house although John says it couldnt. He said he will clear the garage out at the weekend and try block off any gaps - there is a gap under the garage door -the mystery is though that no scraps are left at all - there are no traces of any droppings or anything like that. My washing machine is in the garage - my chest freezer is in the garage!! IM NOT GOING IN THERE TILL I KNOW ITS SAFE!!!

Also the boys have heard some strange noises in the roof - well surely it couldnt get in there as well!!! OHHHHHH NOOOOOOOO I DONT LIKE IT!!!

Prefer my animal world on animal crossing - I've got an orange tree now!! YAY!! I've also got a hairdresser's and an upstairs in the shop now!! I had my hair done and it cost 3000 bells - expensive but it looks lovely!! LOL

Have a good day.

Love Laine xxxxx


Monday, 19 February 2007

Update on my friend

Hi all - just to let you know that my friend who's partner had left because he couldnt cope with her divorce affairs has come back to her and they are going to try and sort things out.  She thought I would be cross with her but I was so relieved.  I thought you might like to see the email I sent her.

Aww Sally why would I be mad at you! I want more than anything for things to work out with you and John - I want you to be happy - and if you are both prepared to give it a go then thats good! For all of your sakes.
Sally dont let Tony get inbetween you two! Dave nearly did that to me and John - My John went off his head once because of Dave - I really thought I'd lost him - John just couldnt cope and it wasnt me he couldnt cope with it was Dave.  Your love still is young and its fragile and can be easily broken. Don't let anyone break it - let it get stronger! It will get stronger and tell John not to be afraid of Tony and don't ever feel like he is a threat.  You have GOT to deal with Tony - John never has to deal with him - John doesnt have to have anything to do with him.  He just needs to listen to you and advise you. He needs to just be your support (show John this if you like!).  That's all I ever wanted my John to be - was my rock!! You need him Sally - more than probably anyone has ever needed him and thats hard for him if he has never had to deal with all this before.  It's alot for him to take on - You, your girls and all your problems.  He doesnt have to ever speak to Tony - you dont ever have to let Tony come to your house.  I never let Dave set foot near my door - the boys go out to him.
It will be hard Sally - hard for you and him.  Give John time - if he cant deal with stuff let him have his space thats the only way he can deal with it - its alot for you and its hard for him too - he probably hates seeing you get hurt.  Its hard for him when he is worrying about you and has to be strong for you all.  I'm not saying he is right in going away like that but it was probably good for him to clear his head and be away from the situation.
I do hope you can both work things out and if you ever want us to have the girls for a weekend so you have time just ask.  I think you make a lovely couple - it would be a shame to let one sad person split you up! Dont let him win Sally!!!
Remember love conquers all!!! Its true if you really love each other you can get through it!
Blimey Ive gone on a bit havent I.  Im relieved that your both gonna try and make things work.  You both have so much to lose! Think of the lovely times ahead - you, John and the girls. 
Anyway, good luck to you and John - Im proud of you Sally - your doing the right thing. Dont let a good thing go!
Love you lots and Im always here for you,
Dont forget we will be out celebrating when I get this blasted degree!!! LOL
Love Laine xxxxxxxxxxx
I hope and pray that things work out for them and that for my dear friend good times and happiness are on their way.
Laine xxxx

Sunday, 18 February 2007

Late entry!!

Right - this is the second time tonight I've tried to do an entry - AOL crashed on me right as I got to the end!!!!  Anyway, I've put some pics in - at last!! But, I'm not going to caption them as I did that last night and they all disappeared so I gave up.

These are the pics I took yesterday at my Dad's birthday gathering.

Pic 1 - is of my brother with his little boy Stan.

Pic 2 - Daddy making lil Stan laugh.

Pic 3 - Sam come play with me says Stan.

Pic 4 - Little Stan loves being with his grown-up cousin Sam.

Pic 5 - Sam adores Stanley.

Pic 6 - My little nephew - wish I could see him more often.

Pic 7 - my boys altogether - my Joe, my brother Phil, my nephew Stanley, my Sam.

Pic 8 - yuk hate my pic here - me and John!

Pic 9 - My little Joe.

Pic 10 - Joe and my aunty Pat, my mum's sister, (who will be 77 next month)

Pic 11 - My sister-in-law, Catherine, with our little Stan.

Pic 12 - My Sam with Aunty Pat.

Pic 13 - My Dad's Cake.

Pic 14 - My aunty June - My Dad's sister.

Pic 15 - My uncle Jim!! (real name Terry) - my favourite uncle! (My aunty june's hubby)

Pic 16 - Birthday Boy!

Pic 17 - Catherine, Stan and Phil.

Pic 18 - Cut that cake Dad!!

Pic 19 - My Mum and My Uncle Jim!

Right now Im gonna save and hope and pray that this goes out!!

Love Laine xxxxxx





Saturday, 17 February 2007


Right Im really fed up now!! Got the IE7 sorted out - and thanks for all your help on that - Stuart tells me that IE7 and Norton conflict and he was right because as soon as I took IE7 off everything was ok again.

Right now, today and last night I thought I would share with you the lovely photos I took with my new camera - well I've tried 3 times and it hasnt worked!! I tried putting them in file manager - didnt work - then I tried AOL pictures add pictures tab on the journal - that was fine until I wanted to edit them with some text underneath - they just disappeared!! So I give up for today - Im obviously missing something as everyone else gets pics in ok on their journals.

Im looking forward to going to my Mum and Dad's today for the family get-together for my Dad's birthday. Be nice to see everyone especially my little nephew Stanley.

Have a lovely weekend.

Laine xxx

My lovely graphic today is from Donna.

Friday, 16 February 2007

Third entry!!!!

Thanks for all your help re. Explorer 7.0 - taken it off my computer now and I re-installed my Norton and all seems to be better and I can get in my Pogo again! Im too tired to play it now though LOL

Been trying to sort out this stupid computer for 3 hours!!!!

Also thanks for all the lovely comments about my friends - and yes I agree with most of you that its the second friend I spoke about that I should support more, and I will.

Love Laine xxxx

Another Entry for today!

I just don't believe it - computer says download new Explorer 7.0 so I do - now computer says NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Arrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhh I hate computers - who thought of them!!! I really do not know what to do - all of a sudden now I've installed Explorer 7.0 I cannot use it to go on internet - it keeps saying cannot display that page!!! It was perfectly fine before I flippin downloaded that. Oh and my Norton Anti-virus thing has decided thats not gonna play ball either and wont let me into my beloved Pogo games!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR

Any help??????

Laine xxxx

Hmm dont think my alerts are going out again either!!!! GRRRRRRR


Worried about my friends today - two of them - oh dear I so wish I could be a miracle worker and make them happy!!

Its so hard to know where to begin - one of them I told you about - put her text messages in my journal - well in a way she annoys me because she is seeing a married man and she is married and I know she wont do anything about it!!  I get cross with her and say for gods sake just get out then and tell him you want him.  She went out with him on valentine's night as his wife was away in France - she sent him a valentine's card but never told him it was from her  - she wants him to believe his wife sent it as a plant! In fact, she told me she was out with me on Valentine's night (Im sure her husband will think it strange I was not with John! which I was but of course she was lieing remember!) and got me to send the card so it was my writing!  I told her to tell her fella that he should leave his wife for her (because honestly what use is he to his poor wife if he is cheating on her!) - Oh it gets on my nerves so Im not gonna say anymore.

I feel more sorry for my other friend - she is closest to me we have know each other for nearly 14 years.  She left her husband as he was a nightmare and I don't blame her - and she moved in with her new guy in November last year with her children and they changed schools as they moved over 40 min drive away.  The girls settled nicely into their new schools - we went to visit them over Christmas and they all seemed happy and settled.  But, her ex-husband has been threatening, violent and just not comprehending at all.  When they went to get some of her girls things from the house he had a knife and they had to call the police - its all been really awful and she has lost loads of weight and had abcesses in her mouth and been on lots of drugs. Awwww I love her so much.  Anyway, things have gone from bad to worse - her so called boyfriend has now declared he has had enough and cant cope with her ex-husbands behaviour - he has gone away for the weekend and said to her that she is welcome to stay in his house with her girls as long as she needs to. He doesn't know if he will come back!! Oh and he said he still loves her!! If he loved her he would support her not make things worse.  She cant move the girls away from schools again - she moved him with him thinking he would look after them all and he isnt - she has no friends or family around her - I love hour and half away from her - I feel so helpless!!  She said she is going to try and move out this weekend while he is away - she will see her Dad tomorrow and hopefully he can lend her some money until she gets her house sold.  She won't move the girls out of their schools again - but she feels so lonely!!!  John said he would drive me over there to see her tonight but she said she is better left to chat with her girls and that I wouldnt really be of help.  She sounded so hurt and flat. She says she doesnt care anymore and she doesnt think she can live with this man even if he decides to stay with her. 

Oh dear, I'm just so blessed to have such a lovely man that supports me and loves  me.

I love my friend so much and I just want to be there for her.

Laine xx

Thursday, 15 February 2007


Took the boys to see Charlotte's web today - was a really good film - very kiddy!! Good story though - I hate spiders cant stand them but fell in love with Charlotte LOL

Oh, I never did say how I felt about Hugh Grant playing that popstar in Music and Lyrics.  It was good - he was good and very funny - I really enjoyed it and would recommend you see it if you havent already - its one of those light-hearted funny romantic comedy type films.

I bought a new camera today - wanted a little digital camera that wasnt too expensive to take to New York with me. I got a Fuji finepix A700 its got 7.3 megapixels and 3 x optical zoom. It was only £100 and I thought that was good.  I already have a Fuji Finepix S5500 but thats too big and bulky - lovely camera but I think the little one will be great as I can slip that into my lil tiny bag!!

John got back ok from Glasgow - he was very very tired - he has now gone to bed already. His ex-wife phoned tonight - poor John there was trouble with his eldest son but I can't say what it was. His son is ok - lets just say he has been in a bit of serious trouble - I dont think he will do it again!

I went to the hospital today - they are testing me to see if I have anything wrong - like incase Im early menopause or something - got to have a blood test tomorrow, some sort of camera thing on Tuesday! an ultra sound scan some other time and then I go back in April to see if Im hormonal or not!!! LOL I read my notes when the doctor was out and it said something about gynaelogical cancers!!!! I know I shouldnt have looked but anyway Im sure they will tell me anything I need to know once tests are done.

Anyway, off I go - probably have a go at playing Animal Crossing then go to bed.

Love Laine xxxxx


Wednesday, 14 February 2007

It's the middle of the night!!!

Well my poor John has had to get up at this awful hour (3am) to fly up to Glasgow! He has an appointment there at a hotel - De Vere Cameron House, Loch Lomond It looks beautiful - take a look!! Oh I wish we were both going there for a nice long weekend.

I had a lovely lovely Valentine's day. John had booked for us to go to our favourite restaurant for dinner.  When I was getting ready I really didnt know what to wear - I ended up putting on my new jumper - which is really lovely and I hadnt worn it much. It's a lovely black soft jumper with a lovely big roll neck.  Poor John came down stairs and said 'oh' is that what your wearing? He said follow me I have something for you - and he said Im afraid my plan backfired.  I was puzzled!!!  He went to his drawer in the bedroom and pulled out a box (that could only be a box from a jewellers!!) - He presented me with it and inside was the most beautiful necklace I had seen. A very dainty heart in white gold with diamonds inset!!! Awwwww I cried!!! He said awww dont cry lainey I want you to be happy. I was happy!!! Very happy!!! I was so happy I cried!! John said he was hoping I had put a top on that needed a necklace and he was going to say - oh it looks like you need a nice piece of jewellery to go with that!!! AWWWWWWW - anyway I promptly changed my top so I could wear the necklace and it looked so so pretty!!  I said to John - you are naughty you had teased me all day that you hadnt got me anything and I must admit I was a little disappointed - and he said 'I know!! ha ha Im a good liar'!!! He was so good to wait all day for that surprise!!! John said I could have got you flowers but I wanted to get you something you would cherish forever!!! AWWWWW

Much much better than flowers!!!!! And I will cherish it forever!

Love Laine xxxx


Valentine's entry

Happy Valentine's day to you all. I hope you all have a lovely day - thanks to Dianna, Donna and Ryan for my lovely valentine graphics.

My John is taking me out tonight for a romantic meal at the Simply Italian in Rye. I was disappointed that I didnt get any flowers - I realise that that is not everything and spending time together is the most important thing.  I wish my friends would stop texting me and telling me how many red roses they got!!! grrrr!!!  Anyway, I really dont need flowers for John to tell me how much he loves me! I will look forward to the two of us sharing an evening together tonight.


Hee hee I love this one Ryan did - it reminds me of last week when John was away in Germany - his love was killing me!!! I hated being apart from him.

Arent they just beautiful!!!!

Love to you all Laine xxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Went to bed but got up again!

I went to bed - couldnt sleep.

Got up again - first thing I do is turn on laptop!

I played animal crossing in bed - thought that might tire me out but it didnt!

I wish I could go to bed and sleep!! So many nights now I just toss and turn and cannot sleep. It's my back that plays me up or rather my sciatica - but thats boring stuff!!

I wish I could write my dissertation but everytime I sit down I just stare at a blank page! I wish I hadnt chosen the subject I have chosen!! Its driving me mad now - just cant get it together - everytime I try to read I just get tired.

Im off to the hospital on Thursday - hope they can sort me out.

I think we need to change our diets! Me and John are both always so tired - John especially - I get tired coz I cant sleep!! Then I sleep coz Im tired then I cant sleep again! LOL

They reckon you should go to bed at the same time and wake up the same time and let your natural body clock wake you!! Right!!! hmmm try telling my flipping foot that its time to go to sleep - it keeps waking me with the pins and needles.

Need to go on a diet - feel so fat - no clothes to wear.

Wonder if John got me anything for Valentines. I got him a CD, a saucy book with lots of tips whooo hooo!! and I got him a toberlerone (fattening!!!). I dont think he got me anything - fair enough he is taking me out for a meal - but why will I be disappointed when I dont get red roses - they dont mean anything - I know he loves me - I dont need a day to remind me. Oh Im going on a bit now!!! Better stop before you all go bog eyed!!! Thats if you read it!! LOL probably bored long ago!!!

Ive got lots of lovely graphics from Donna, Dianna, Diama and Ryan and can I get into file manager to put them on here!!! Can I heck!!!!

Now the font changed!!!!!


Love Laine xxxxxxx Its nearly midnight!!!!

Thank you

My Dad read my journal and he says thanks very much to you all!!!!

message for Liz: he asked for your phone number LOL!!! Told him you got your man!! LOL My Dad's name is John too and he married to my MUM!!! LOL

Love Laine xxxxxx


My Dad

Here is a pic of my Dad with his youngest grandson (my nephew) Stanley!!  My Dad is 70 today!!! I just wanted to say Happy Birthday Dad!!!

My Mum and Dad will be here about 11.00am - we are probably going to go out for a bite to eat. Im going to pop up tesco in a mo and buy him a cake!

On Saturday we will have a family get together to celebrate his birthday - means I get to cuddle with my little Stanley!!! YAY!!!

Hope you are all well - just a short entry.

Love Laine xxxxxxxxxx

Monday, 12 February 2007


Just a quickie to say had our assessment day to day!!! Feel relieved that that part is over - can move on now.

They want some written stuff which I will try to do tomorrow night. 

I'm off swimming with my friend tonight - need that after all that stress LOL!!!  Still stress not ended yet!! Far from it!!

Got my Mum and Dad coming tomorrow night - my Dad will be 70 tomorrow!! So I can see birthday cake coming!!!

Had a lost kitten in Animal Crossing - she went into Sam's world and her mum went frantic - Sam brought her back though so all is well in my world again!!!!

Will read your journals when I get back from swimming - hope you are all well.

Love Laineyxxxxxxx

Saturday, 10 February 2007

Just for fun!!

How Smart Is Your Right Foot?

This is so funny that it will boggle your mind. And you will keep trying
It at least 50 more times to see if you can outsmart your foot. But you

1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and
Make clockwise circles with it.

2. Now, while doing this, draw the number 6 in the air with your right
Hand. Your foot will change direction!!!

I told you so. And there is nothing you can do about it.

Saturday and John's home

Hi all, I made it!! I got through the week!! LOL

Thanks for all your lovely comments and I think I could set up a cleaning business with all you wanting a sparkling kitchen LOL - d'ya know if you were all nearer I would come and do it - as mad as it seems I love doing it!!! Jeannette I passed your way at 5:10am LOL not sure you would have wanted me in then!!! I did look out for you LOL!! ********* Sara they are magic fairy dust stars for you to make your kitchen sparkly!!!

The day went well with Sam and London College Hospital. We got the 5:09 am train and it was freezing - my poor dad got up and dropped us at Brighton station!!  We arrived in London at 6.45 am - we had a little trouble finding the hospital but not too bad.  We got to the hospital at 7.00am!! It was still dark!!!  Our appointment was at 8.00am but I was glad we were there early would hate to have panicked and it meant we missed all the rush hour people.  The doctor and nurses were lovely they looked after Sam great.  He had three injections, one a hormone, one for thyroid, and one that was insulin - so it stressed the pituritary gland - they took loads of bloods and when his sugar levels went down to 2 point something (nearly 3) he as given sugary drinks and food to bring it back up.  We finished about 0ne then we had to go to the main hospital building for an xray on his hand so they could tell his bone age.   Sam was really very brave all day and when it made him ill he never made a fuss - bless him!!!  We got home by five at my mum's and had a lovely dinner.

I was so so tired but I still got in my car and drove back to Hastings as my man would be waiting.  My boys were being picked up at eight from my mum's so they not here for the weekend.  Just me and John.  I cant tell you how pleased I was to see him last night.

I will try catch up with your journals this weekend - it felt so strange not having my laptop and internet whilst at my mum and dad's.

Sam and I played Animal Crossing on the train with our earphones in and I embarrasingly shouted up hey Sam stop stealing my peaches!! LOL

John and I are going out tonight to see the Hugh Grant film, music and lyrics.

Right next thing is my exhibiton on Monday - got to do lots of work this weekend - at least most of it is up now.

See you all soon and have a good weekend.

Love Laine xxxx


Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Hello its Wednesday already!



Thank you all so much for your lovely comments last night - it meant so much to me. I really did feel lonely last night!

I feel much better today - probably because I have got to the middle of the week already! and its only two more sleeps til John is back.

Went into college - put exhibition up. My labels looked silly so got to do them again in a smaller font. Cubes look good. Got to do some more though. Will post pics on here once I get them onto computer.

Finished early at college and my mate Maria and I went up our friend's house, Carol, to let her dog out.  We know Carol not been feeling too good lately so we totally blitzed her kitchen for her - til it was sparkling!! Carol was so so pleased when she came home to see it - another weight off her mind. Doesnt it feel so good when you do good for others and help them out!!!

My mate Maria here with me tonight to keep me company - that's probably why Im feeling better tonight too.  Also made me clean up my spare room so she had a bed!! LOL

Animal Crossing!- couldnt sleep last night so I got up at 3am and put on the DS!! Inevitable!!! LOL  I made three new residents for me to play with - Johnny, Lucy and Ploppy - now today its annoying me that there are four to choose from in the bedroom!!! Why do you do wierd things at 3am! I really cant sleep lately - Im lucky if I get 2hours solid.

Going to my work placement at the school tomorrow - Im going to be working with an artist who uses digital photography - we have the planning meeting with the teacher tomorrow.

I really hope it doesnt snow tomorrow because I have to get to Brighton tomorrow evening as Sam has hospital on Friday. My Dad is looking after Joe and Oscar (my doggie!!) and my Dad will also drop Sam and I to Brighton Station on Friday morning.  If it snows it will really muck up all my plans!

Oh so why now has it gone to black small font!! Really dont get this!! LOL

Thanks to Donna for my lovely fairy graphic.

Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Ever so lonely

I am feeling so lonely!


Sorry I've not been to your journals today - Im so busy!!!

Im so scared! I have to have my exhibition up by tomorrow as its the last day I will be in college.  I can at least finish my sketchbooks off at the weekend as I only have to place them on the table Monday morning! I just hope I have enough work - and Ive done all these cubes and I think they look good and they are lovely and cube looking LOL and I have a nice black cloth to put them on - but why cubes? why have I done it? why have I put all my text messages on them!!! Crikey I dont really know - got to think of a philosophical framework for my work!!!! Any ideas anyone? LOL

Animal Crossing - now did I tell you that Sam visited my world and axed down (yes axed down!) my apple tree that was growing nicely and is now no more!!! I was so cross!!! Then someone left my town :( - but then I found lots of fossils so not so bad!!! Also bought a double bed today! LOL I felt guilty about kicking Sam's character out of my town but NO MORE!!!

Oh Im missing John more and more (now why dont the font stay the same!!) - really need him to hold me!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOH it hurts being apart.

Crikey do you reckon Ill be telling you all about my degree show at the end of May or do you think I would have jumped off the planet by then.

Laine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (hmm now its gone black)

p.s. I would have put some more graphics in but the file manage didnt load up!!! grrrrrr


Monday, 5 February 2007

At home today


Hi Peeps, Im at home today as my poor little Joe is not feeling too well - think its a cold or something - my throat is a bit croaky today too!!

So Im working from home and not college!!! Thats 3 days I have to have off this week!! Well cant be helped I suppose!!

Had a little peek at my Animal Crossing game - awwwwww its so so sweet all the little houses have lots of lights on them as its a light festival or something - although Im quite sad as my house has no lights on it and Im feeling left out!!!!!!!!

Great now Sam has his own game we visit each others worlds its brilliant!! LOL

Right I better get on with some work I suppose - hard being at home though - I keep making tea LOL

Laine xxxxxxxxx

P.s I got the same tag on as John is away now and I blubbed like a baby into his shoulder last night!!! Didnt want him to go!! I couldnt help it we were watching The wedding planner and it all just came over me. Feel better today though just looking forward to him coming home.


Sunday, 4 February 2007

Near Valentine's Day

Love is wonderful.

Love is joyful

Love is understanding

Love is forgiving

Love is beautiful, wonderful and grand

but Love can hurt, love can confuse, love can be a disaster

oh my love it's you I want now and forever after.


LOL, thats me having a go at being all poetic and lovey!! ha ha!! Its just because John is going away tonight to Germany for a week and I will miss him - and it hurts so much to be away from him for a whole week!  Thanks to Dianna for my lovely tag I will be using that one alot this week to remind me of my lovely John while he is away.

I've got lots of stuff to get ready for my exhibtion on 12th.

1.   Get cubes printed and made up.

2.   Get sketch books all up to date and all my research put in.

3.   Sort out all my work and in to what order I want it on the wall. (I actually managed to print off my etching plates so I now have some lovely prints to put on the wall too!

4.   Make labels so my work is labelled clearly on the wall and decide what Im actually going to put in the display.


I've started some cross stitch!!! I've started stitching some of my messages - they look really good - black on white!! I promise I will try and photograph some of my work - well I need to anyway for my work. 

Anyway, I better get on with it - take care all

Laine xxxxxxxxxx

Friday, 2 February 2007

OHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOO made a mistake!!!

OH NO so sorry to Diama - the tag in my last entry was made my Diama not Dianna - so so sorry Diama - please forgive me!!!! You know me brain is going mad!!! Oh and I was so proud that I got a graphic in as well!!! What am I like!!!!!

Visit Diama she makes lovely tags too!!!!

Graphic in Journal at last!!!

Yay! I finally got a graphic in - see bottom!!! Thanks to Dianna for that lovely graphic. I think I was lucky file manager loaded up quickly today!

Been to work today! We really didnt do much! We had two coffee breaks which lasted an hour each!! LOL We didnt get the lodge finished! LOL - Oh well we will work hard next time we go in!

Got a pretty quiet weekend - Got the boys this weekend - Joe is going to his friend's house for the day and that just leaves Sam and Chris - they will probably go out in the afternoon, swimming or something so that will give John and I a little time on our own! He goes away all week next week! Expect loads of entries from me!!! LOL  Awwww I dont want him to go away. Hate it when he is away - really need him next week too what with my hospital visit and Sam's hospital visit too!! Why is it they never there when you need them!!! Oh well.

I hope you are all well and have a great weekend!!

Love Laine xxxxxx

That graphic is quite apt seeing as I will be drowning in my sorrows next week when John away, boo hoo. sob sob . LOL


Thursday, 1 February 2007

Wednesday stuff

I'm happy for once - what happened?

I've slept better the last two nights - my mind must be a bit better!

Had a great day at college today - I did some beautiful prints! I had made the plates ages ago in etching - a process called aquatint! Its like a fine powder goes onto the plate and you burn it on - it gives a tonal effect - or is that affect??  Anyway, my prints came out great so I have more work to put in my exhibition on the 12th.

Then at lunch time my friend's Cean and Dian took me out for lunch - how nice was that!! We went to the lunchbox - which is in the college and its the students who are training in catering! So its a cheap meal but top class food!! Really enjoyed that. Cean and Dian come from Jamaica and have a house there - they showed me pics today - awwww they said I must go there with John one day - how nice  would that be!!!  And Cean got an outstanding award for his achievement at college!! Because he is from Jamaica and has had to get used to our language as well as do his course - he has done so well - I was really proud of him!!

Work tomorrow!! Boo hoo - oh well at least Im bringing some pennies in!!!

See you all soon

Laine xxx

p.s. I still cant get my graphics into my journal!! :(